Acid Rain World
In an alternate 1945, the Allies and Axis developed and launched nuclear weapons simultaneously against each other. The World War came to an abrupt and devastating end with both sides suffering crippling military and economic losses. Nuclear fallout began to settle around the globe, but the nightmare was far from over....
Social structures collapsed as governments lost control over their borders and citizens. Countries disintegrated and regressed to city states, governed by warlords and factions. Driven by historical feuds and personal interests, warfare soon erupted across the world again; although smaller in scale and restricted to regions, battles and conflicts grew ever more frequent. Some countries came under the control of large corporations. These conglomerate-run governments only aimed to maximize their benefits by draining and hoarding all resources. Giving little regard to nature and the general public, these corporations have been employing a wide range of chemical and biological weapons to resolve conflicts swiftly and decisively.
After several decades of ceaseless warfare and pollution, the environment reached a breaking point. Acid rains began to occur periodically across most parts of the world, leading the people to coin this age “The Acid Rain Era”. Humans have to wear masks to avoid inhaling the high levels of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides while working outdoors.